Responsible Solar Developers in Maine & New England
Dirigo Development is a solar developer based in Maine that strives to create a proper balance for project siting, engineering, efficiency, environmental permitting, community engagement, utility coordination, construction planning/execution and power sales.
Solar Farm Development in Maine and New England Demands Expertise at Every Stage
Land Origination
Siting is crucial and the foundation for every solar development project. We work with landowners to see if they have a property that is a solid fit for solar. In doing so, we begin a rigorous due diligence process for each property to ensure the project is viable. We work with landowners who have parcels or property near 3-phase power, limited wetlands, and mainly flat terrain. Our solar development and construction projects in Maine and New England can be done on fields, landfills, forests, and even gravel pits.
Our solar farm development and construction company in Maine has strong relationships with local municipalities, state agencies, and federal agencies to determine the permits required for each project. Thanks to our great relationships with numerous towns and regulators, we are able to ensure that we get the proper permits pulled for every project.
Abutter Outreach
Every well-sited project must have the okay from abutters. When a property is near the neighbors, one of the first steps will be to speak with them and let them know so we can answer any questions or concerns they have. In most cases, people really just prefer to be informed about what is going on near their property lines. Our solar developers in Maine make sure to take the time needed to educate them and be a resource. Nobody like surprises, so we keep it simple with open communication.
Utility Coordination
Each solar development project must establish an interconnection agreement with the local electric utility. Our team will work directly with the utility for the initial feasibility of connecting to the grid. The next step is forming a cost estimate for the project. From there the project will be developed with a complete buy-in and approval from the utility.
PPA vs Community Solar
A great thing about solar farm development and construction in Maine and the Northeast is there are numerous ways to market for and save money with solar. Residential customers have benefits that save up to 15% on energy bills, but larger corporations tend to prefer the locked-in 20 years of energy costs with a PPA. Our experienced team of solar development experts are here to help understand and navigate available options.
EPC Services & Construction
With vast experience and numerous connections, we can assist with finding vetted local contractors that can develop and build your project. Connecting you with the right people is one of our specialties. Thanks to our positive local presence in New England and Maine, our solar developers are able to act as your owner’s rep owner. We can also be hired as consultants to provide feedback and updates throughout the construction phase.